When Do Deductibles Reset?
Posted on February 7, 2013
Many health plans include a type of cost sharing that is referred to as a deductible. A deductible is the annual dollar amount that a member must pay for certain covered services before HNE pays benefits.
Does your health plan include a deductible that you must pay for certain services? If so, you should know when that deductible starts to accumulate and when it resets. Deductibles may be applied on either a Calendar Year or a Policy Year basis. The date that your deductible resets depends on the plan renewal date of the group through which you are enrolled. A Calendar Year deductible means that your deductible starts accumulating on January 1 and runs until December 31. A Policy Year deductible begins on the plan renewal date of the group through which you are enrolled, and accumulates to the next renewal date. For example, if your group’s plan renews on June 1, then the deductible accumulation would run from June 1 to May 31. In either case, once you meet the deductible amount, then HNE begins to pay benefits for those covered services.
To find out when your deductible starts to accumulate and resets, you can refer to your HNE ID card. Your plan deductible and its start/reset date will be listed on the lower right of your card. The month that is listed indicates which month your plan’s deductible begins.
If you have questions about your plan deductible, please contact HNE Member Services at 413.787.4004 or 800.310.2835, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
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