What to do with fresh mint? Add it to your tea!
Posted on June 12, 2019
Here’s how to make a refreshing cup of iced tea in just minutes!
2 cups water (filtered)
15 mint leaves (fresh, peppermint or spearmint)
Optional: 2 teaspoons sugar (or honey; start with about 1 teaspoon per cup and add more as desired)
Optional: ice.
Optional: lemon slices.
Optional: lemon juice.
In Spanish
Té De Menta
2 tazas de agua (filtrada)
15 hojas de menta (frescas, menta o hierbabuena)
Opcional: 2 cucharaditas de azúcar (o miel; comience con aproximadamente 1 cucharadita por taza y agregue más si lo desea)
Opcional: hielo.
Opcional: rajita de limón.
Opcional: jugó de limón.
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