Visit HNEDirect to learn how to submit claims and more!
Posted on September 12, 2016
Health New England providers can now view up-to-date information online, including claim status, member eligibility and member benefits. Once registered on HNEDirect, a provider can:
- Check eligibility
- Obtain the patient’s Health New England copay amount to ensure collection of the correct copay at the time of service
- Check the status of claims submissions
- Check the status of prior approval requests
- Submit claims electronically
- Access provider reports
- Access explanation of payment
The preferred format for claim submission and corrected claim submission is through our online portal, HNEDirect.
However, if you are submitting claims on paper, please follow the below guidelines to ensure accurate and timely claims processing:
- Type all fields completely
- Submit all claims on an original red and white form
- Include the word ‘continue’ when submitting a multi-page paper claim with the total amount on the last page. (Do not ‘sub-total’ the first page)
- Do not use highlighter on any claim form field
- Do not submit photo-copied claim forms
- Do not submit claim forms via fax
Please note that Health New England uses an imaging and capture process for paper claims.