Teladoc Update
Posted on November 23, 2015
Health New England began offering telehealth services to our Commercial and HNE BeHealthy! members through Teladoc in August 2015, giving them access to U.S. board-certified physicians 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to treat non-emergency medical issues. Teladoc is an affordable alternative to the urgent care center or emergency room.
Teladoc providers are U.S. board-certified in internal medicine, family practice, emergency medicine and pediatrics. They are U.S. residents, licensed in state, with an average of 20 years of practice experience. Since August 1, 2015, HNE members have completed 87 telehealth consultations with 45 percent resulting in pharmacy services (39 total).
The top five diagnoses are acute sinusitis, rash, counseling, acute conjunctivitis and acute pharyngitis. We have communicated to members that Teladoc does not replace their PCP and is not intended to provide treatment for chronic conditions.