Where You Work: Florence Bank

Posted on April 12, 2017
At Health New England, we strongly believe that your health plan should do more than just pay for doctors’ bills when you are sick. That’s why, in addition to our full range of benefits, we offer our employer groups a tailored, comprehensive worksite wellness program option, called Healthy Directions. Healthy Directions is designed specifically for your worksite and employee population, and is administered for free by Health New England’s Health Management Program team.
One of our employer groups, Florence Bank, continues to be an active participant and leader in offering their employees wellness-related programs and incentives, and has been involved in the Healthy Directions Employer Wellness Program since 2014.
Not only does Florence Bank offer a variety of wellness activities throughout the year to its employees, such as onsite group exercise classes, biometric screenings and nutritional education, but they also have an amazing participation rate of over 80%!
In 2016, as part of Healthy Directions, Florence Bank piloted a 12-week lifestyle management program where employees focused on physical activity and nutrition. Thirty-three of their employees participated in group exercise classes with a personal trainer and had individual nutritional counseling sessions.
Their hard work really paid off. The group’s biometric results showed them losing a collective total of 216 pounds, 49% body fat, 177.5 pounds in fat mass, and 69 inches! In addition, all of the participants’ knowledge and confidence about staying physically active and eating healthy increased significantly.
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