Understanding Diabetes
Posted on October 11, 2019
November is Diabetes Awareness Month. Be sure to take some time to learn more about diabetes, its risk factors and what you can do to help prevent the disease.
Diabetes occurs when the body does not produce or properly use insulin. Insulin is a hormone that aids in the conversion of sugar, starches and other foods into energy, which is needed for daily life. Pre-diabetes – when your blood glucose levels are higher than normal, but not yet high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes – is a precursor to developing type 2 diabetes and also puts you at greater risk for cardiovascular disease.
Diabetes risk factors
• Being overweight or obese
• Having a family history of diabetes
• Leading a sedentary lifestyle
• Having high blood pressure
• Having high cholesterol
Preventing diabetes
• Make healthy food choices.
• Be active. Walk or do something active for 30 minutes each day.
• If you smoke, stop smoking.
• If you are overweight, lose weight.
• Avoid alcohol. Alcohol can increase blood sugar and blood pressure.
If you have any of these risk factors or questions about diabetes, talk to your primary care provider. A blood test can be done that measures your glucose levels, which can tell if you have diabetes or pre-diabetes.
Source: www.baystatehealth.org/news/2016/11/diabetes-month
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