Men Health Screening – Ages 40-64

Posted on November 15, 2014
Men Health Screening – 18-39
Men Health Screening – Ages 65+
Men, you should visit your health care provider regularly, even if you feel healthy. The purpose of these visits is to:
- Screen for medical issues
- Assess your risk of future medical problems
- Encourage a healthy lifestyle
- Update vaccinations
- Help you get to know your provider in case of an illness
Even if you feel fine, you should still see your health care provider for regular checkups. These visits can help you avoid problems in the future. For example, the only way to find out if you have high blood pressure is to have it checked regularly. High blood sugar and high cholesterol levels also may not have any symptoms in the early stages. Simple blood tests can check for these conditions.
There are specific times when you should see your provider. Below are screening guidelines for men ages 40 – 64.
- Have your blood pressure checked every 2 years. If the top number (systolic number) is between 120 – 139 or the bottom number (diastolic number) is between 80 – 89 mm Hg then have it checked every year.
- Watch for blood pressure screenings in your area. Ask your provider if you can stop in to have your blood pressure checked. Or check your blood pressure using the automated machines at local grocery stores and pharmacies.
- If the top number is greater than 140 or the bottom number is greater than 90, schedule an appointment with your provider.
- If you have diabetes, heart disease, kidney problems, or certain other conditions, you may need to have your blood pressure checked more often.
- If you are over age 34, you should be checked every 5 years.
- If you have high cholesterol levels, diabetes, heart disease, kidney problems, or certain other conditions, you may need to be checked more often.
- Some men should consider taking aspirin to prevent heart attacks. Ask your provider before you start aspirin because aspirin can increase your risk for bleeding.
- If you are over age 45, you should be screened every 3 years.
- If you are overweight, ask your provider if you should be screened at a younger age.
If you are under age 50, you should be screened only if you have a strong family history of colon cancer or polyps, or if you have had inflammatory bowel disease or polyps.
If you are between ages 50 – 75, you should be screened for colorectal cancer. This may involve:
- A stool test done every year
- Flexible sigmoidoscopy every 5 – 10 years along with a stool guaiac test
- Colonoscopy every 10 years
You may need a colonoscopy more often if you have risk factors for colon cancer, such as:
- Ulcerative colitis
- A personal or family history of colorectal cancer
- A history of large colorectal adenomas
- Go to the dentist every year for an exam and cleaning.
- Have an eye exam every 1 – 3 years if you have vision problems or glaucoma risk.
- You should get a flu shot every year.
- Your doctor may recommend other vaccinations if you have certain medical conditions, such as diabetes.
- You should have a tetanus-diphtheria booster vaccination every 10 years. If you have not received a tetanus-diphtheria and acellular pertussis (Tdap) vaccine as one of your tetanus-diphtheria vaccines, you should have it once.
- You may get a shingles or herpes zoster vaccination once after age 60.
- If you are between ages 50 – 70 and have risk factors for osteoporosis, you should discuss screening with your provider.
- Risk factors can include long-term steroid use, low body weight, smoking, heavy alcohol use, or a family history of osteoporosis.
- You should have a preventive health visit every 2 years until age 50, and then once a year.
- Routine diagnostic tests are not recommended.
- Your height, weight, and body mass index (BMI) should be checked at every exam.
During your exam, your provider may ask you about:
- Depression
- Diet and exercise
- Alcohol and tobacco use
- Safety, such as use of seat belts and smoke detectors
- Most men age 50 or older should discuss screening for prostate cancer with their provider. African American men and those with a family history of prostate cancer should discuss screening at age 45.
- The potential benefits of PSA testing have not been shown to outweigh the harms of testing and treatment. If you choose to be tested, the PSA blood test is most often done every year.
- Prostate examinations are no longer routinely done on men with no symptoms.
- The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) now recommends against performing testicular self-exams. Doing testicular self-exams has no benefit.
The USPSTF recommends annual screening for lung cancer with low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) in adults aged 55 – 80 years who:
- Have a 30 pack-year smoking history AND
- Currently smoke or have quit within the past 15 years
NOTE: Be sure to check with your health plan to make sure the services are covered benefits.
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