Keep Your Resolutions in View

Posted on December 31, 2014
Many behavioral change professionals recommend that you keep your goals visible. You may want to post them on your bathroom mirror, on your computer, or keep a laminated card in your wallet so that your goals remain top of mind.
Once you have them visible you need to make a plan to do at least one thing each day to move you in the direction of achieving your goal(s). Charting your progress can be a winning strategy to help you achieve success. Here are some options for you to track your progress:
- keep a daily or weekly log/diary
- track your progress in your calendar
- track your progress using an app on your smart phone
- create a daily “to do” list
- set reminders in your calendar or on your smart phone
- create a creative collage that will keep you motivated and that you can track your activity
Another important aspect of keeping your resolutions in view is to share them with people who will help you to achieve your goals. Maybe you can even recruit a buddy to join you! One of the aspects that keep us honest is accountability! We are also more likely to keep going, even when you really don’t feel like it, when you know someone is counting on you.
Another popular form of maintaining accountability is by leveraging social media. There are so many examples of people who have chronicled their progress toward achieving their goal(s); from couch to running a 5k; running a marathon; or losing weight. The stories are powerful and the followers provide ongoing encouragement and support.
Have some fun and take my quick weekly quiz and claim your reward. Act now before they are all gone!
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