Health Care Surveys are Coming

Posted on January 25, 2023
Every spring, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services mails surveys to randomly selected Medicare beneficiaries. The Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) survey asks questions about your health care and services you receive.
Survey Tips: When completing a survey, be sure to think about your health and your personal experience with your health care in the last 6 months of 2022. The following tips may help clarify some aspects of the surveys:
- If you do not have prescription coverage with your Health New England plan, then skip the “Your Prescription Drug Plan” section on the survey.
- Answer only the questions that apply to you by putting an “X” in the box to the left of your answer.
- Be sure to read all the answer choices before marking your answer.
- Some questions may not be applicable to you, and you might not need to answer them. In these instances, you will see an arrow with a note that tells you what question to answer next, for example “[If No, Go to Question 3].”
- If someone helps you with the survey, be sure to answer these questions: “Did someone help you complete this survey?” and “How did that person help you?”
Why Your Opinion Counts: Your responses about your experience with Health New England and your doctors help us to design services and outreach programs to better assist you. If you do get a survey, please take the time to complete it and mail it back. We thank you in advance.
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