Posted on June 13, 2018
Vacation can be relaxing and great fun. But, what if you get sick or hurt while you’re away? Don’t worry, Health New England has you covered.*
We cover medical emergencies, urgent care, and prescription drugs outside of the Health New England service area. Our worldwide emergency coverage includes stabilization care and post-stabilization care at the direction of your treating physician. We also cover ambulance transportation if other means of transport would endanger your health.
Before you go
Prior to leaving for vacation, be sure to:
- Book necessary appointments with your primary care provider (PCP) for routine care, laboratory tests, screenings and prescription refills.
- Get any required vaccinations before traveling outside the U.S.
- Pack enough medications for your trip.
- Take your PCP’s phone number.
- Pack your insurance ID card.
- Set up Teladoc® account ahead of time.
What to do if you need care
Non-emergency medical issues:
Consult your PCP first, whenever possible. However, if you can’t reach your doctor, Health New England offers other options:
Teladoc — Request a phone or online consultation with a U.S. board-certified physician to treat non-emergency medical issues such as colds and the flu, bronchitis, allergies, rashes and more. Learn more at healthnewengland.org/Teladoc or call 1-800-Teladoc. This service is available for the same copay as a PCP visit. (Teladoc is available for most members; however, some employer groups do not participate in this benefit.)
Nurse Line — For free health advice, call Health New England’s 24/7 health information line. Licensed nurses and clinicians can answer questions on health-related issues and medications. Call (866) 389-7613 or email nurseline@hne.com.
Emergency situations:
If you have a true medical emergency, call 911 (in the U.S.) or go to the nearest emergency room (ER) immediately. Be aware that you’ll be responsible for paying your ER copay/deductible. (Outside the U.S.: You may be required to pay out-of-pocket for emergency medical services. Your plan will reimburse you for qualified** emergency medical expenses minus any applicable copay/deductible.)
*In accordance with your plan benefits. All services require prior approval and are subject to the terms of your Explanation of Coverage (EOC). Routine care, medical evacuation and repatriation are not covered.
**If you receive treatment for covered services from an out-of-plan hospital for a condition that is not an emergency medical condition, you will be responsible for payment for such covered services as described in your benefits summary.
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