FF Semi-Annual Notice of Changes Effective 1/1/19

Posted on December 14, 2018
The Semi-Annual Notice of Changes to your plan coverage is now available.
Highlights include:
- Genetic testing limits
- Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetic Equipment and Medical and Surgical Supplies: covered items, excluded items, Prior Approval procedures
- Services to be reviewed for Prior Approval by eviCore: diagnostic imaging, genetic testing, sleep studies
- Nutritional support items must be obtained from In-Plan providers when possible (applies to HMO plans only)
- Wellness Reimbursement Program changes: increase to maximum reimbursement amount
- Items and services excluded from coverage: clarifications and changes
- Services and procedures that require Prior Approval: clarifications and changes
- Clarification about coverage for Disabled Child Dependents
- Prescription drug coverage changes
Click here to view full amendment or to request a paper copy of the Notice of Changes, free of charge, call Member Services at (800) 310-2835.
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Please send information through actual mail . . .I don’t have access at home in order to review online notifications . . .only while I am at work. Thank you.
My sleep apnea components supplier, is the worst! Apria is sending supply’s that are not wanted and not sending what is supposed to be sent. They are sending cheap China headgear instead of brand name. In use two weeks use it is tearing apart. Supposed to get face mask replacement and hose. None received. Evicore doesn’t keep track of these thieves, but they will send me 20 letters about my chiropractor or eye doctor. Evicore is a paper waste and money waste!
Thanks for taking more money and giving less every year!