Believe in Yourself

Posted on December 31, 2014
HAPPY NEW YEAR”S DAY!!!!! Ready for 2015?
You are the only one who can achieve your New Year’s Resolution. You need to believe in your ability to achieve the goal(s) you set. Following is a worksheet that will help you to continue to make progress and help you to build your self-efficacy (belief in your ability)!
Think about the health goals that you would like to achieve. What are they? Make a list.
Now answer the following question about each one you wrote down.
How much confidence do I have that I will commit to making a change over the next 6-12 weeks?
Rate each one on a scale of 1-10, (1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest)
Identify the health goals that you have a rating of at least a 7 or higher.
If there is more than one goal select just one to get started.
Achieving Optimal Health & Wellness Worksheet
The key to this next step is to decide what behavior you are willing to change to help you achieve your goal.
For example, if you would like to lose weight, your goal may be to lose 10 pounds in the next 4-5 weeks. The behavior that you will change may be to drink at last 4 to 6, 8 oz., glasses of water each day. Or it may be to begin walking
20 minutes per day.
Write down what it is that you plan to do. When do you plan to do it?
Be specific, write down what you plan to do, what days and when during the day. For example, I plan to walk 4 days this week for a total of 20 minutes each day. I will walk 10 minutes during lunch and 10 minutes after dinner on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
I will commit to [insert the behavior you will change] ________________________________________________
I will do this [insert the days of the week] __________________________________________________
at [insert the time of the day] _________________
The next step is to look at your plan and determine on a scale of 1–10
(1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest), how much confidence you have in your (above) plan.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
If you have a rating of less than 7, ask yourself what might get in your way.
Do you drive the kids to soccer on Tuesdays or do you have a late meeting on Thursday? If so, rework your plan so that you are likely to achieve it. For example, on Tuesday and Thursday you may choose to walk the full 20 minutes during lunch, or you may try to walk for 10 minutes during your morning or afternoon break and at lunch. How will you modify your plan so you can achieve it this week?
Enlist the support of a friend(s) who may want to walk with you or who will encourage you to reach your goal.
Who will you entrust to help you achieve your goal? It may be more than one person.
Have some fun and take my quick weekly quiz and claim your reward. Act now before they are all gone!Please read our Disclaimer.
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