Additional Benefits: What’s New for 2019?

Posted on October 24, 2018
Increased Dental Allowance
In 2019, Health New England will increase your dental allowance from $150 to $250 per calendar year. Original Medicare does not cover preventive dental services; however, Health New England offers this as an additional benefit to our Medicare Advantage members. The dental allowance lets you receive dental services from any dentist and then get reimbursed for up to $250 of the cost. The service must be provided by a business established to provide dental services. There is no dental network or limits on the type of service. The service must be used toward the promotion of oral health or oral improvement.
Use your $250 annual dental allowance towards:
- Dental exams
- Cleanings
- Fluoride treatments
- Dental x-rays
For reimbursement, you must fill out an Additional Benefits reimbursement form and submit your receipts to Health New England. The form can be found at
Improved Vision Care Benefit1
With the 2019 EyeMed® additional benefit, you pay nothing for one routine eye exam with refraction per calendar year. You also receive a $100 allowance for your prescription eyewear every two calendar years, when obtained from an in-network EyeMed provider. The prescription eyewear allowance is offered at the point of service and is not a reimbursement. Covered items include eyeglasses (lenses and/or frames) and contact lenses.
1Available at in-network EyeMed provider locations.
Added Fitness Tracker Reimbursement
As part of the annual $150 fitness and safety item reimbursement, in 2019 you can get reimbursed for a Fitness or Activity Tracker. This reimbursement is part of a combined benefit total of up to $150 per calendar year for a fitness center membership, Weight Watchers® program, acupuncture, activity tracker and/or over-the-counter items, which include shower chairs, grab bars, raised toilet seats, automatic blood pressure cuffs, bathtub benches/stools and compression stockings. You must pay for the items or services first and then submit appropriate receipts and documentation for reimbursement.
Find the 2019 Additional Benefits reimbursement form at
Enhanced Hearing Aid Benefit2
TruHearing provides our Medicare Advantage members an affordable hearing aid benefit. The following enhancements will be added to the 2019 hearing aid offerings:
- Additional channels and programs for a more customized listening experience
- State-of-the-art technology that helps you hear speech even in noisy environments
- Own Voice Processing (OVP™) for a more natural sound to your own voice
- Smartphone-compatible so you can stream audio and phone calls directly to your ears
- Rechargeable battery upgrade option on the TruHearing Premium 19 RIC Li model for no additional cost
Learn more about your benefit at
To contact TruHearing directly, visit or call (844) 319-7458 (TTY: 711).
2You must see a TruHearing provider to use this benefit. Other providers are available in our network. Hearing aids purchased through other providers are not covered.
New Diabetes and Congestive Heart Failure Care Management Program
In 2019, Medicare Advantage members who are diagnosed with both diabetes and congestive heart failure (CHF) are eligible to enroll in our Diabetes/CHF Care Management Program. If eligible, you will be notified by Health New England. Upon enrollment and successful completion of the Diabetes/CHF Care Management Program, you will be eligible for reimbursement of your copayments for visits with your primary care provider, endocrinologist, cardiologist, certified diabetic educator and nutritional counselor.
New Falls Prevention Program
In 2019, Medicare Advantage members diagnosed with abnormalities of gait and mobility by an in-plan provider may be eligible to enroll in our Falls Prevention Program. The goals of this program are to decrease falls, thereby preventing injuries and hospital or rehab stays, and maintain independence. If eligible, you will be notified by Health New England. Upon enrollment and successful completion of the Falls Prevention Program, you will be eligible for reimbursement of your copayments for your physical and occupational therapy.
To learn more about all of our 2019 Medicare Advantage additional benefits, please visit If you have any questions about an allowance, reimbursement or our plan options, please call our Member Services Department.
- Health New England Medicare Advantage is an HMO and HMO-POS Plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in Health New England Medicare Advantage depends on contract renewal.
- This information is not a complete description of benefits. Call (413) 787-0010 (TTY: 711) for more information.
- The additional benefits are covered under all Massachusetts Health New England Medicare Advantage plans.
- Out-of-network/non-contracted providers are under no obligation to treat Health New England members, except in emergency situations. Please call our Member Services number or see your Evidence of Coverage for more information, including the cost sharing that applies to out-of-network services.
Health New England Medicare Advantage is an HMO and HMO-POS Plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in Health New England Medicare Advantage depends on contract renewal. For accommodations of persons with special needs at meetings, call (877) 443-3314 or TTY 711. Health New England complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability or sex. ATTENTION: If you speak any language other than English, language assistance services, free of charge, are available to you. Call (413) 787-0010 or TTY 711. Health New England cumple con las leyes federales de derechos civiles aplicables y no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, nacionalidad, edad, discapacidad o sexo. ATENCIÓN: si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al (413) 787-0010 o TTY 711. Health New England cumpre as leis de direitos civis federais aplicáveis e não exerce discriminação com base na raça, cor, nacionalidade, idade, deficiência ou sexo. ATENÇÃO: Se fala português, encontram-se disponíveis serviços linguísticos, grátis. Ligue para (413) 787-0010 ou TTY 711.
H8578_2019_609_C Accepted
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