How to be a Brainiac – Part Five (double whammy)
Posted on February 17, 2012
First – Don’t drown your sorrows at the bar! Did you know that vitamin deficiencies occur primarily when eating habits are abnormal?
Posted on February 17, 2012
First – Don’t drown your sorrows at the bar! Did you know that vitamin deficiencies occur primarily when eating habits are abnormal?
Posted on February 16, 2012
Share the load! Did you know that there is increased evidence that stress actually damages the brain? Particularly the brain regions associated with processing memories. It’s related to the stress hormones our body produces. That’s not good. So, what can you do about that?
Posted on February 15, 2012
You can sleep on it! Thank goodness, right? That’s easy and so perfect for lazy people like me! Did you know that as a rule, 1 hour of sleep is required for 2 hours of being awake? As we get older, that ratio becomes closer to 45 minutes of sleep for each 2 hours awake. […]
Posted on February 14, 2012
Feed your mind and the rest will follow! (That’s my homage to En Vogue and their song “Free Your Mind” from the 90’s – which is awesome, by the way.) Wow, it’s my first sentence and I digress already. This will be a long day for me, I can tell. I need to follow the advice […]
Posted on February 13, 2012
“Of all the things I’ve lost in life, I miss my mind the most.” Ever heard that saying before? Mark Twain said it. It’s funny but stop and think about it. A fit body – we know how to do that, right? There are plenty of diet and exercise regimens we can follow. What about […]
Posted on February 10, 2012
I know snow is a four letter word to some of us! But it is predicted for Saturday. It is supposed to be a wet snow but not super heavy. Please remember to take care of your back while shoveling this weekend.
Posted on February 7, 2012
We have tools in our being health tool box that we can use to help us stay healthy as possible in this difficult season.
Posted on February 3, 2012
It’s annual review time at your office, isn’t it? Performance review, yearly review, etc – whatever you call it where you work, IT’S THAT TIME. (key dramatic music) The scenario goes something like this: You walk into your boss’s office, prepared to hear what they think of your past years performance. You are expecting accolades! […]
Posted on August 15, 2011
Oh right, Twinkies don’t grow on trees. While a homemade cake has about seven ingredients, a Twinkie has 37 ingredients! Contrary to popular belief, Twinkies do not ‘last forever’ though at 25 days, they do last longer than most products, due partially to the fact that the “cream” is not really dairy—it’s cellulose gum, which […]
Posted on August 15, 2011
There’s an interesting intersection where Body-Mind-Spirit encounters medical technology. If we are a unified whole, and our bodies are not separate from our minds and spirits, then what about bionics? If we are part machine, are we still unified? What about organ transplantation? What about cloning? If we start to grow or clone human organs […]