The BIG Secret to Exercise & Eating Right!!
Posted on October 4, 2012
As summer rapidly fades to a distant memory and children and adults settle into school routines, it’s time to get back on track with your fitness and health regimen that somehow got lost in the trail of beach sand, pails and seashells. I don’t know about you, but I do fairly well with my fitness and health regimen when I’m on a routine schedule, but the minute vacation time starts rolling around…WHAM!!! All exercise and health routines generally are out the window! The struggle with staying motivated no matter what gets in your way seems to be a common theme and is critical for most folks; whether it comes to exercise or eating. If this sounds familiar to you, for the BIG Secret to Exercise & Eating Right…
If you think about it, we are an instant gratification society. We want what we want right now!
We don’t want to wait years from now to get it. In fact if there were a magic pill or a magic wand, our first question would be how soon can I get…that figure, that perfect size, or perfect weight, etc. We want instant results. Right?
What if I told you there was an easy way for you to lose weight and inches, (sorry, it’s not the magic wand or the magic pill)? Would you do it? Would you consider it? Well think about this…do you ever consider taking the stairs when you are in a multi-level building instead of taking the elevator? You can add a mini-workout to your day every time you take the stairs! Best part is, there are no lines and no waiting at the stairs! You’ll feel great over time simply by adding this mini-workout routine. Why not make it a part of your day?
To challenge you even further, there is an upcoming stair climb challenge to benefit people who suffer from lung disease sponsored by the American Lung Association in November in Springfield MA. Signing up will keep you motivated to get into the stairwell to practice for the climb. Or, you can join other stair climbs in the surrounding area also sponsored by the American Lung Association. For more information, follow this link: 2012 Fight for Air Climb Springfield MA
So, what’s the big secret, you might be asking? Well, the big secret is motivation. It’s up to you to find your own personal motivation. Why do you want to exercise or eat nutritiously? No one else can answer that question for you. It’s finding your intrinsic desire that is going to inspire you to take those stairs instead of that elevator. It may change from moment to moment. It might be that you want to fit into a certain size clothing; or it might be that you want to be around to see your kids graduate from high school let alone graduate from college. Find whatever it is that will motivate you today to take action. Ask yourself: What will motivate me today to want to be physically active and eat healthier? And keep asking yourself that all important question.
Get motivated and get into the stairwell today! Come join us! You’ll be glad you did! You just might meet up with someone else who could become your lifelong buddy to keep you motivated on the path towards wellness!
photo credit: deltaMike via photopin cc
Remember, you learned how to climb stairs many, many years ago. It’s like learning how to ride a bike again, it will come right back to you in a heart beat.
If you’ve ever done a stair climb challenge, or if you regularly take the stairs instead of the elevator, share your experiences with us today. Perhaps your experiences can help to motivate others to get into the stairwell as well! See you in a nearby stairwell soon!