Ten Tips for Turkey Day
Posted on November 17, 2011
- Eat until you are satisfied, not stuffed. It’s okay to savor your favorite holiday treats—just eat smaller portions.
- Be realistic. Don’t try to lose pounds during the holidays, instead try to maintain your current weight.
- Don’t skip meals; you’ll be less tempted to over-indulge.
- Be careful with beverages; non-alcoholic beverages can be full of calories and sugar while alcohol can lessen inhibitions and trigger overeating
- If you overeat at one meal go light on the next. It’s not one piece of pie that will cause you to gain weight!
- Bring your own healthy dish to a holiday gathering.
- Plan time for exercise, even if it’s just a 10 minute walk after dinner
- Try incorporating some simple-cooking tips to make recipes healthier:
- Refrigerate gravy to harden then skim the fat off
- Use a little less bread in your stuffing and add more onions, garlic, celery, and vegetables. Flavor with low fat, low sodium chicken or vegetable broth
- Remove the skin from your serving of turkey and save 11 grams of saturated fat per 3 oz serving.
- Cook fresh green beans instead of a green bean casserole
- Use skim milk or chicken broth in your mashed potatoes
- Substitute two egg whites for each whole egg in baked recipes and replace heavy cream with evaporated skim milk in cheesecakes and cream pies.
Follow these simple guidelines and enjoy the holidays –just remember moderation is the key!