Guest Writer: Trainer Pete
Posted on September 1, 2010
Trainer Pete here,
I hope everyone had a great summer so far and you are on your way to reaching your health and fitness goals!
Last week a new client at my studio asked me what I do to motivate my clients.
As a trainer I try to lead by example, offer my expertise on exercise, and steer clients in the right direction for good nutrition choices. However my reply to her question was “What brought you here?” As trainers, we do our best to provide you with the tools necessary to achieve your goals, but it takes YOUR will and power (your Will Power) to get to where you want to be.
So when you get in a rut think about why you want to get to your goals. Is it to look better? Is it to be healthier? Maybe something embarrassing happened to you as a result of being out of shape. Is it to be a better example for your kids? Is it so you can go through the day with more energy? Whatever it is, be honest with yourself and make sure you are in it for the right reasons.
Once you find your answer dig deeper and think about how you will feel once you have achieved this goal. From there think about what you need to do to get there and finally think about what will happen if you don’t do what you need to do to get there. If nothing happens, nothing happens and you may find yourself further from your goals than before. It’s important to remember that everything takes time and you have to take steps to get to the top of the staircase.
For example, if your goal is to lose 50lbs, start with smaller goals till you reach the larger one. Starting with this week; shoot for 2lbs. Then break it down even further. What do you need to do to lose 2lbs this week? Then even further. What do you need to do TODAY to get to 2lbs by the end of this week?
So as a good friend of mine used to say “Grab a glove and get in the game!” It’s your time to play and your time to reach your goals. You can do it, I know you can!
Trainer Pete