Wellness Program Volunteers Wanted!
Posted on March 8, 2022
The Healthy Directions Team is looking for employer groups willing to be part of a pilot program. This would include implementing a program through the WebMD ONE® health portal, evaluating/surveying the process, and being prepared for potential bumps along the way.
You would be able to offer your employees some of the following programs at no cost:
1. WebMD ONE Health Coaching: Medium and high-risk members can take part in confidential, one-on-one coaching with trained health professionals. Sessions address the whole person and all facets of well-being like stress, resiliency, diet and sleep. Check out this video library for more information.
2. Challenges for All Your Employees: WebMD ONE has always offered a variety of wellness challenges within employer groups for Health New England members. Now, you can extend these virtual challenges, like tracking steps, nutrition or hydration, to your entire employee population, even non-members.
To learn more or get started, contact Julia Wilkins.
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