HNE Renewal Processes
Posted on April 22, 2014
As always, HNE is here to serve you and our customers. We take pride in providing superior service and we have established processes to do so. We recognize the health insurance industry has gone through many changes recently and we are here to support you.
To avoid customer and member dissatisfaction, we must process renewal information in a timely fashion. All renewal plan changes must be submitted by the last day of the month end of business day. If the employer is unable to commit to a plan by the last day of the month by end of business day, the group will have to change anniversary dates and be re-rated for the following 1st of the month. We cannot allow any exceptions to this requirement.
This process is in place to avoid with billing, medical claim processing issues, pharmacy eligibility, ID cards, member eligibility verification and prior authorization to name a few.
We find that employer groups are dissatisfied when they receive a bill with old rates and have to await premium adjustment credits the following billing cycle. This can be avoided when renewal plan changes are made in a timely fashion.
Please note the renewal processes:
Renew as is:
If a group is renewing as is (with mapped default plans), please have the employer sign and date the confirmation form and return it to your account representative before by the last day of the month end of business day. Once received, we will issue an SBC(s) via email to distribute to employer.
Renew with plan changes:
If the group is making plan changes, please inform the account representative by the last day of the month end of business day. We will provide a revised confirmation form with the appropriate plan change request. Please have the employer sign and date the confirmation form and return it to your account representative by the last day of the month end of business day. Once received we will issue an SBC(s) via email to distribute to employer.
Thank you for your cooperation.
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