Health New England’s Flu Clinics Are Back
Posted on August 7, 2015
Health New England is pleased to announce that we have again partnered with Big Y, Rite Aid, and Louis & Clark offer flu clinics at your place of employment for your employees.
Health New England and our partnering pharmacies share a common goal: to promote the health and wellness of the community. To accomplish this goal, we have joined together to offer this unique, innovative service at your of employment.
We encourage all of our members to get preventive care, not because we have to, but because it’s the right thing to do. Adult preventive immunizations such as the flu vaccination*, are considered preventive care, which means there is a $0 copay for all who participate.
*All vaccinations will be administered by trained medical professionals.
“Flu season in the US can begin as early as October and last until May. Each flu season is different because the flu virus is constantly changing. Influenza can cause serious illness and even death. Even healthy people can get very sick and spread the flu to others. So, what can you do to protect yourself and your loved ones from getting the seasonal flu or a different virus? Your best defense against the seasonal flu is to get a yearly flu shot. Also, keep your hands clean by frequently washing them with soap and water or by using a hand sanitizer. And, don’t forget to get plenty of rest and eat healthy to boost your immune system.” A public service reminder from Laurie Gianturco, M.D., Vice President & Chief Medical Officer |
To schedule a flu clinic at your place of employment, contact any of these participating partners:
Big Y
Samantha Jacobs
Minimum of 20 employees
Big Y Flu Flu Clinic Information
Rite Aid
Jerry Stanczak (for pharmacy on Cooley Street, Springfield)
413-783-4451 (store)
413-222-5788 (cell)
Taylor-Marie McDonald
Minimum of 15 employees
Rite Aid Flu Clinic Information & Talking Points
Louis & Clark
Diane Cordeiro
Minimum of 20-25 employees
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